Hearing Tests

If you’ve been referred to us for a diagnostic audiologic evaluation, it means your hearing needs to be tested. The Audiology Center at ENT Physicians can complete the tests you need, discuss your results with you and recommend the best path for care moving forward. Our staff will consider your symptoms and medical history when recommending the proper series of evaluations.

Hearing Tests We Use

The specific hearing tests we use in your case will depend on factors like your age, symptoms, and medical history. We’ll definitely complete pure-tone testing, bone conduction, and speech testing. Then, we’ll use further testing as needed if our initial results don’t paint a full picture.

Pure-Tone and Bone Conduction Testing

Pure-tone testing is a type of hearing test that determines the quietest tones you can hear at different frequencies. Bone conduction testing is very similar, but the type of headset used gives your audiologist different information. The results of your bone conduction test will tell us whether the hearing loss you’re experiencing is conductive or sensorineural, which can impact what your ideal care plan looks like moving forward.

Speech Tests

We use speech testing to verify the results we got during your pure-tone test. This hearing test evaluates the lowest sound levels you can clearly identify words and speech at across different frequencies.

Additional Testing

We may perform additional tests if your initial results don’t give us the answers we’re looking for. This can include a physical examination of your ear, called an otoscopy, and a test of your middle ear, called a tympanometry.

Hearing Tests for Children

We also offer hearing tests for children and other patients who cannot provide active input during a hearing exam. For children, we use tests designed to keep the patient as comfortable and engaged as possible. That way, we can get the information we need to develop a treatment plan for your child that can improve their results academically and socially.

What to Expect During Your Hearing Evaluation

Your diagnostic audiologic evaluation should take us between 30-60 minutes to complete. After, you’ll have the opportunity to sit down with your audiologist, discuss your results, and ask any questions you may have about the care recommendation you receive.

You may want to bring a friend or family member to this appointment. They can help you understand the information you get and talk through recommendations to help you make the right decision for your unique lifestyle.